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Fairfield Hills Authority - 5/15/06
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a special meeting on Monday, May 15, 2006 in the meeting room at Edmond Town Hall, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, John Reed, Moira Rodgers, Walter Motyka,        ABSENT:  Donald Studley, Amy Dent, William Lavery

ALSO PRESENT:  Richard Sturdevant, Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), Scott Baillie (O&G), three members of public, one member of press

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Dr. Reed, the minutes of the 4/18/06 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  None noted at this time

Finance Committee – Mr. Baillie reported that the preliminary estimate for the new Town Hall, in round numbers, is $10.7 million and the estimate for the fields/trails is $1.5 million which includes demolition of one building.  Mothballing estimates have been completed for Newtown, Woodbury, Stratford, Plymouth and the five duplexes in the amount of $609,532.  Work could be bid and completed this summer.  
        Ms. DeMarco reported that the operating budget projected to the end of the fiscal year is on target, however, that includes electricity costs that are attributable to the state facilities.  If these expenses are separated and we are reimbursed by the state by the end of the fiscal year, we will actually be under budget by about $25,000.  

Operating Committee – A copy of Public Works Director Fred Hurley’s report was received prior to the meeting.  Mr. Willie pointed out that there have been meetings with the State Military and State DPW and they are now cooperating with getting the electrical at the campus separated between the different entities.  We may have to install a secondary system behind Fairfield Hall to power the ball fields and the water storage bunkers.  Mr. Geckle asked for a time-line on the electrical situation which Mr. Willie will request from Mr. Hurley.
        Mr. Geckle advised that we are receiving quotes for the landscaping and may have to look at this again since funds available will not cover the numbers we are seeing.  Ms. Barbara O’Connor (member of public) was present and advised that there are two garden clubs and a horticulture club in Newtown and perhaps they could provide some help.  She would like input as a taxpayer.  Dr. Reed stated that anyone with questions about costs should first attempt to get a formal understanding and realize that it is not necessarily money being spent.  This will be discussed further.
        Regarding the new town hall, Mr. Baillie reported that O&G and Tae Soo Kim have met with the First Selectman and various town staff to review the overall plans, which are still being refined.  By the next Authority meeting, he expects to be in a position to present a schematic design for the town hall.  Vollmer Associates is moving into the design/development phase for the fields and trails.  O&G needs to execute the contract with the town to begin the mothballing project.  The Town Attorney should have the contract ready this week and will present it to the First Selectman.
        A report was received from Russell Bartley indicating that the remediation work is 80% complete.  

Planning – Regarding the Use Policy, Ms. Rodgers reported that no comments or suggestioins for changes have been received from other members of this Authority so she and Ms. Dent will try to have the Use Policy ready for the next meeting.
        The subcommittee will be getting together with North American Realty to go over the  report.  They hope to have a final report by the next meeting.
        Mr. Geckle reported that a meeting was held with representatives of the Department of Economic and Community Development.  There were preliminary discussions as to whether they can identify any sources of funds.  Requested information will be compiled  and sent back to them before a follow-up meeting.  Mr. Geckle thanked State Representative Wasserman for setting up the meeting.
        Ms. DeMarco advised that the Bridle Lands has requested that the trails on the campus be trimmed back.  In the past, the military department has taken care of this but they have now been instructed not to take equipment off of state property.  Estimates for trimming are $200 per cut every 4-5 weeks during the summer.  The Bridle Lands is amenable to taking on that expense.  This will be looked into further with the First Selectman’s office before a decision is made as to who will trim the trails.

Security IssuesMr. Willie moved to enter executive session to discuss security issues at the Fairfield Hills campus and to invite Ms. DeMarco, Mr. Sturdevant and the clerk to attend.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Meeting entered executive session at 8:13 p.m. and returned to open session at 8:45 p.m.
        Dr. Reed moved to implement the security plan as discussed in executive session.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk